Adolescent and Child Psychologist Edmonton
Adolescent and Child Psychologist Edmonton
ABC Psychological Services
Edmonton Psychologists - Links & Resources
Edmonton Psychologists - Links & Resources
For more information on psychologists or topics of interest, consider the following links:
Psychologists' Association of Alberta - - supporting the field of psychology in Alberta http://www.psychologistsassociation.ab.ca
The Canadian Psychological Association - https://cpa.ca/
The American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/ - this site has great resources for many issues and concerns
Learning Disabilities information, including ADHD - https://ldonline.org/
Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta - Edmonton Chapter https://ldalberta.ca/ - has excellent resources and supports for adults with learning disabilities and for parents of children with learning disabilities.
Support for ADHD in Edmonton, Alberta:
Interested in Social Skills Training for your child?
Please check out: http://eckertchildpsych.ca
Interventions for Dyslexia and other Learning Disorders in Edmonton - Centre for Literacy - https://centre4literacy.com/
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